Below is an excerpt from an interview this past September with JP Morgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon at the The Economic Club in Washington, D.C. with David Rubinstein, CEO of the Carlyle Group. If after reading the snippet below you are interested in watching the complete 45 minute interview on YouTube, we think it's well worth your time as Mr. Dimon has a clear and knowledgable thoughts about what can make the global economy thrive again - and specifically, the USA. 

 Here is the direct Link:

“America has the best hand ever dealt of any country on this planet today and ever.  And Americans don't fully appreciate what I'm about to say. We have peaceful, wonderful neighbors in Canada and Mexico. We have the biggest military barriers ever built, called the Atlantic and the Pacific. We have all the food, water and energy we will ever need. We have the best military on the planet and we will for as long as we have the best economy. And if you're a liberal, listen closely to me on that one. OK, because the Chinese would love to have our economy. We have the best universities on the planet. There are great ones elsewhere, but these are the best. We still educate most of the kids who start businesses around the world. We have the rule of law, which is exceptional. If you don't believe me, we can talk about Brazil, Russia…Venezuela, Argentina, China, India. Believe me, it's not quite there. We have a magnificent work ethic. We have innovation from the core of our bones. You can ask anyone in the room…it's not just Steve Jobs. We're the widest, deepest financial markets in the world has ever seen. I just made a list of these things. It's extraordinary. It's extraordinary. And we have it today.”

—JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, interview excerpt with David Rubinstein